The hand & wrist has a very delicate and complex structure, which allows muscles and joints a great range of movement and precision. The different forces are also distributed in the hand in the best possible way. But the hand and wrist are also quite vulnerable: tendons, nerve fibers, blood vessels and very thin bones are all positioned right under the skin and are only protected by a thin layer of muscle and fat. Only the palm is protected by a strong pad of tendons (aponeurosis) for a powerful grip. Our hands are put through quite a lot day in and day out, and are often within range of dangerous tools. This makes hand and wrist injuries and problems due to wear and tear very common.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a progressively painful hand and arm condition caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist, the median nerve. A number of factors can contribute to this such as the anatomy of the wrist, underlying health problems and patterns of hand use. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passage way about as big around as your thumb on the palmar side of the wrist. The tunnel protects a main nerve to your hand and 9 tendons that bend your fingers. Compression of this nerve produces numbness, pain and eventually hand weakness and loss of coordination. |