Temporary Work Assignments: Think TASKS! This is the foundation of the program. The goal is to pre-identify at least 5 to 15 or more appropriate return to work tasks throughout all departments.
The sample tasks are provided as examples. There are endless tasks in every organization, things that would improve the quality of the product, service and work environment of the organization.
The Key is having your department supervisors participate in the identification of these tasks. You want their ideas on appropriate tasks and their agreement on using these tasks on a temporary basis. You can do the rest. Tasks should be meaningful and productive. Most of these options will be somewhat self- paced but geared toward the work restrictions of the typical injuries sustained in a particular department. For example if low back strain is common, tasks should allow for sit / stand combinations with some walking.
The bottom line is that the supervisor is provided the needed support via the program coordinator to solve the problems that may arise, such as running out of particular tasks, or the worker will not perform the tasks or the worker has continued pain complaints, etc.
The program will need a coordinator. A person appointed by the company to be the go to person for all the questions and to provide monitoring of the program. HPT can provide this service to you if needed. The cost will be based on an hourly fee for service.
The program coordinator must be available to meet the needs of the supervisor and work with the employee and physician to keep the worker medically progressing back to regular work. It is important to provide this level of support to the supervisors and your program will be successful. Supervisors will not change or alter any work assignments without consulting the program coordinator and with the physician’s approval.
Physical Therapy Specialists Occupational Injury Policy Stop Loss Program
Policy: It is the policy of this organization to return our injured employees back to the workplace as soon as it is medically appropriate.
Temporary work assignments are available throughout our facility to accommodate an employee’s disabilities during the medical recovery process. Our goal is to allow our employees to remain productive and to reduce lost time related to disability from injury to a minimum.
The intent of this program is to provide temporary work assignments until our employee can return to their regular job. Our program Coordinator will work closely with the employee and his or her physician for a speedy return to regular work. If it is determined the employee can never return to regular work, we will evaluate our ability to accommodate the employee’s disability in line with pertinent federal and state guidelines. HPT Physical Therapy Specialists Occupational Injury Policy Procedure:
The injury must be serious enough that the employee will be temporarily unable to perform their regular job.
The employee’s physician has provided written work restrictions or a release to a specific task and we have available temporary work within those restrictions.
Temporary Work Assignments will be meaningful and productive
At each physician visit, or at least every two weeks, the employee’s medical condition will be evaluated to determine their medical progress toward returning to their regular jobs. A functional assessment must be completed.
A Temporary Work Assignment can be terminated when:
The length of the assignment is over 8 weeks in length.
The treating physician determines the injured worker is not expected to return to the regular job.
The injured worker obtains a full release for regular work.
mpathy, education and empowerment to help athletes and all patients overcome challenges.
General Policy
Example of Temporary Work Assignment Sheets
Physician Introduction Letter for the Return to Work Program
Physician Introduction Sheet
Physician Information Sheet
Medical Evaluation Sheet
Employee Instruction Card
Orientation Form for Injured Worker going into the program
Supervisors Information Form
Verbal and Written Warning Letters for Non-compliance