Functional Job Site Analysis is an evaluation that identifies the physical and functional aspects of work. It is a structured, individualized method of work categorization and description complete with recommendations:
Functional Job Site Analysis may be used for some or all of the following:
Identification of issues for ergonomic intervention that may be needed
Development of injury prevention educational programs
Assistance with development of job rotation
Written support of essential job functions that can be used in hiring, job placement, pre-placement screenings, advancement/job bidding/promotions and performance evaluations
Functional Job Descriptions are compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act
To prepare for full job analysis data the facility walk-through with the HPT Staff is helpful to gather preliminary data. This information will be utilized in:
Writing the proposal
Developing timeline projections
Discussing the purpose and concept of job analysis
The facility walk-through is best completed with the supervisor present. It is important to introduce all staff to the workers. The workers and supervisors are key to providing valuable information that can only be obtained from the worker’s perspective. The overall job analysis is a compilation from the consultant, employees and employer. HPT likes to evaluate or observe several workers for one job task to produce the consensus of how workers work overall. We will also note if one style of work is more efficient than another. Often a job analysis will identify an ergonomic solution already discovered by one worker but may not be generally use by all.