As an employer you need to be aware of ergonomic factors that may cause injury in your work environment, as well as the prevention of injuries in the workplace. Ergonomic factors include posture, body mechanics, positioning, repeated movements and what happens when these interface with the work process.
We do not need to be engineers to do ergonomic evaluations if we understand how the worker and his body interface with the essential functions of the job. Performing the job safely and productively without compromising the body is the main goal. HPT’s role in the workplace is to test the body and then compare it to the function of the job. We then identify limits that occur normally or due to an injury. We objectively measure and weigh items utilized at work and determine critical demands that are needed at the work site. HPT sends trained staff to the job site to observe, measure, weigh, interview and document frequency of movements. We identify potential modifications to increase productivity and safety. In the 1980’s there was a concerted effort to identify and curb many of the forces that were thought to be behind “on the job injuries.” The efforts took the form of back schools, work site redesign, safety education and pre-employment screenings. There is not a magical answer; the prevention aspect of work injury is a combination approach that involves the safety director, worker and the workplace, and health care providers. HPT’s qualified and experienced staff is ready to assist you. Call for a free walk through assessment today. |